Introducing a new way of earning golds, Selling Raid saves. What to expect? How much they sell? Let's find out
So since we have so many Raids with mount loot, what is better than to sell those saves? Raids like Icecrown Citadel, Ulduar, Dragon Soul and Firelands are too big and take too much time to clear. This means that if we keep a lockout for each boss, we can have a decent earning from these raid lockouts.
Prices are in most servers over 1000 per raid lockout share. This means that if you share every raid for one time each week you get at least 4k. Keep in mind that Firelands has 2 mounts that drop from there and Dragon Soul has 3 mounts that drop! This means that you could double the price for these saves.
But how do you keep the saves? Which is the right boss to stop for each save?
In Icecrown Citadel keeping the save is easy. You just kill everyboss on 10man normal mode but not lich king. Then you turn the raid into a 25man heroic mode raid and voila. You got the proper lockout. Invicible Reins drop from here.
Ulduar is pretty much the same. You can skip a few bosses, such as Razorscale, Ignis the Furnace Master, Assembly of Iron and Algalon, in order to get to Yogg Saron. Again you kill bosses up to and including General Vezax, you go out of the raid, you turn it to 25man ( Ulduar has no heroic mode) and get back in. Be careful not to speak to any keeper( the mount drops in 0-Keepers up, which is Yogg-Saron hard mode) And voila, you got your save. The mount from here is
Mimiron's Head ( As said from Yogg-Saron 0 Keepers up
Firelands is a little tricky. Alysrazor and Ragnaros, each drop a mount. But to get to Ragnaros you need to clear the first part of the raid, which is killing all bosses before, Including Alysrazor. The best way to get a raid for both is to kill everyboss in first part, including Baleroc, but no Alysrazor. Then you sell the lockout. In this lockout there will be 3 bosses left, Alysrazor, Mojordomo Staghelm and Ragnaros. Mounts drop in both 10 and 25man mode, and in both normal and heroic mode. The only difference is that 25man and heroic mode have a slightly bigger chance to drop the mounts
The mounts that drop are
Flametalon of Alysrazor (Alysrazor) and
Smoldering Egg of Millagazor (Ragnaros)
Dragon Soul is even more tricky than Firelands. The first mount drops from Ultraxion in either 10-25man normal-heroic mode. The second mount drops from Deathwing(last boss) in again in either 10-25man normal-heroic mode. The third mount drops from Deathwing(again) but only in heroic mode. You can only sell repeatedly and without effort Ultraxion normal from one character and Deathwing normal save from another char. Deathwing heroic save cannot be extended each week. This means that you have to clear Dragon Soul each time you want to sell the Deathwing heroic save.
The mounts that drop are
Experiment 12-B (Ultraxion),
Reins of the Blazing Drake( Deathwing both normal and heroic) and
Life-Binder's Handmaiden(Deathwing Heroic only)
That's all folks. Stay tuned for more!
So since we have so many Raids with mount loot, what is better than to sell those saves? Raids like Icecrown Citadel, Ulduar, Dragon Soul and Firelands are too big and take too much time to clear. This means that if we keep a lockout for each boss, we can have a decent earning from these raid lockouts.
Prices are in most servers over 1000 per raid lockout share. This means that if you share every raid for one time each week you get at least 4k. Keep in mind that Firelands has 2 mounts that drop from there and Dragon Soul has 3 mounts that drop! This means that you could double the price for these saves.
But how do you keep the saves? Which is the right boss to stop for each save?
In Icecrown Citadel keeping the save is easy. You just kill everyboss on 10man normal mode but not lich king. Then you turn the raid into a 25man heroic mode raid and voila. You got the proper lockout. Invicible Reins drop from here.
Ulduar is pretty much the same. You can skip a few bosses, such as Razorscale, Ignis the Furnace Master, Assembly of Iron and Algalon, in order to get to Yogg Saron. Again you kill bosses up to and including General Vezax, you go out of the raid, you turn it to 25man ( Ulduar has no heroic mode) and get back in. Be careful not to speak to any keeper( the mount drops in 0-Keepers up, which is Yogg-Saron hard mode) And voila, you got your save. The mount from here is
Firelands is a little tricky. Alysrazor and Ragnaros, each drop a mount. But to get to Ragnaros you need to clear the first part of the raid, which is killing all bosses before, Including Alysrazor. The best way to get a raid for both is to kill everyboss in first part, including Baleroc, but no Alysrazor. Then you sell the lockout. In this lockout there will be 3 bosses left, Alysrazor, Mojordomo Staghelm and Ragnaros. Mounts drop in both 10 and 25man mode, and in both normal and heroic mode. The only difference is that 25man and heroic mode have a slightly bigger chance to drop the mounts
The mounts that drop are
Dragon Soul is even more tricky than Firelands. The first mount drops from Ultraxion in either 10-25man normal-heroic mode. The second mount drops from Deathwing(last boss) in again in either 10-25man normal-heroic mode. The third mount drops from Deathwing(again) but only in heroic mode. You can only sell repeatedly and without effort Ultraxion normal from one character and Deathwing normal save from another char. Deathwing heroic save cannot be extended each week. This means that you have to clear Dragon Soul each time you want to sell the Deathwing heroic save.
The mounts that drop are
That's all folks. Stay tuned for more!