Grim Batol is one of the best instances to farm. It's packed with mobs
and almost all of them are humanoids, so there's a TON of Embersilk
dropping here, not to mention other drops. If you are after Embersilk
cloth, make sure to do the farming with a Tailor to get even more cloth!
Read on to see how much wow gold was obtained from a single run which
took less than 15 minutes.
Solo Farming Heroic Grim Batol
This instance is loads of fun. You're continuously fighting mobs, and should you pull more than one pack..If you have a continuous healing skill to use, such as DK's Conversion, you could not stop for healing at all, as the monsters don't hit hard. Big pulls are recommended!
Remember to use your shorter duration cooldowns when possible to avoid the need to stop to heal, just in case you need it.
While it's originally intended for you to take one of the trapped red drakes, and burn a load of mobs with it, I would recommend against it unless you are doing one of the quests in the instance that requires you to burn things with the drake.
Not only do you save time, but you also get more loot from the mobs if you don't kill any accidentally with the drake. The mobs die fast enough even if you do the fighting yourself.
You don't need any tactics for this instance.
You can find the entrance portal to Grim Batol in the Twilight Highlands, just next to Wetlands.
Grim Batol Achievements
These achievements can be soloed easily. For more information, click the links.
Don't Need to Break Eggs to Make an Omelet: Simply nuke the boss as hard as you can and he dies before any adds spawn.
Umbrage for Umbriss: Keep the Malignant Trogg alive until boss is near death. Kill the trogg and then the boss.
Counting the Loot
Like always, I pull all trash that I can find to get as much loot as possible. I do not use
Potions of Treasure Finding to eliminate some RNG, but you should drink one to get tons more loot.
I don't use the
Golden Fleece either, but
it's a good idea to equip it for this dungeon, as the mobs are high
enough level to give experience. One missing trinket does not affect
your farming performance, and you will be getting more wow gold in return.
Here's the details and results from a single run
Possible loots: BOE purples that could give you 300-500g on Auction house
Solo Farming Heroic Grim Batol
This instance is loads of fun. You're continuously fighting mobs, and should you pull more than one pack..If you have a continuous healing skill to use, such as DK's Conversion, you could not stop for healing at all, as the monsters don't hit hard. Big pulls are recommended!
Remember to use your shorter duration cooldowns when possible to avoid the need to stop to heal, just in case you need it.
While it's originally intended for you to take one of the trapped red drakes, and burn a load of mobs with it, I would recommend against it unless you are doing one of the quests in the instance that requires you to burn things with the drake.
Not only do you save time, but you also get more loot from the mobs if you don't kill any accidentally with the drake. The mobs die fast enough even if you do the fighting yourself.
You don't need any tactics for this instance.
You can find the entrance portal to Grim Batol in the Twilight Highlands, just next to Wetlands.
Grim Batol Achievements
These achievements can be soloed easily. For more information, click the links.
Counting the Loot
Like always, I pull all trash that I can find to get as much loot as possible. I do not use
I don't use the
Here's the details and results from a single run
- Time: About 13 minutes
- Farmer: 550 Frost Death Knight
- Drops: 33 gold
- Vendor junk (Greys, blues, green weapons, stuff): 121 gold
- Disenchanted greens & Lockboxes: 60 gold
- BOE Blues: 1 (200g, not counted in total)
- Embersilk: 90
Possible loots: BOE purples that could give you 300-500g on Auction house