Stockpiling for Warlords of Draenor

As WOD is only a month couple away,  it's time to start thinking what items will become more expensive, so that you can start your experience in Draenor by earning a huge pile of wow gold! But is it even worth it to stockpile with all the latest changes to professions?

1) Number one from our list are pets from this expansion, everything in Siege of Orgrimar pet guide and Throne of Thunder pet guide ,will recieve a huge increase in buyout price as the people that raid these tiers will drop significally. Seeing the prices being over 5k for each pet, imagine what will happen if you have a bunch of these pets to sell in Warlords of Draenor.

2)  Sealed Tome of the Lost Legion will become more rare in WOD as people won't be farming Isle of Thunder that much. I would recommend to snatch a few, but only if price seems cheap.

3) Iron Starlette this little fella. Although it is a quest reward at the moment, after the expansion release it won't be obtainable. This means that the price will increas by a lot in a couple of months. I personally have bought more than 50 with their buyout price being less than 200golds. Go grab yours before its too late!

4) Level 90 flasks would be a good idea. People would buy this as a boost to their damage done while leveling. I wouldn't suggest buying too much tho as this method could backfire and leave you with a bunch of useless items.

Will leave some space if i think of something more!
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